
Jennifer Watling is lecturer and coordinator of the Archaeobotany research group of the Microarchaeology Laboratory, Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, University of São Paulo (MAE-USP), Brazil. She works with phytolith and starch grain analysis to understand the long-term interactions between people, plants and landscapes in the Amazon basin.
Myrtle Shock is professor in the Anthropology and Archaeology program at the University of Western Pará (UFOPA), Santarém, Brazil. She works with analysis of charred plant remains from archaeological sites in the Amazon basin to address questions of human diet, plant management, anthropogenic landscape modifications, and regional variations in resource use.
Idian Camargo Capozzoli is a Computer Science undergraduate student at the University of São Paulo and designer of the REFTROPICA database and website, which she implemented with a Scientific Initiation grant from the São Paulo Research Foundation.

Kevin Cocchi Martins Reina is an Anthropology undergraduate student at the University of São Paulo. With a Scientific Initiation grant from the São Paulo Research Foundation, he has expanded the microbotanical reference collection housed at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, and organised data entry for the database.
Laura Furquim is a doctorate student in Archaeology at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, University of São Paulo, Brazil. She studies starch grains and macrobotanical remains from sites in Amazonia to reconstruct the foodways of past indigenous societies, contributing to both the construction and curation of the archaeobotanical reference collection housed at this institution.

José Iriarte is Professor of Archaeology at the University of Exeter, UK. He studies phytoliths to understand coupled human environment systems in Amazonia, plant domestication, the development of agricultural landscapes, and the emergence of complex societies in the Americas. Some phytolith entries in the database come from material housed in Iriarte´s lab.
Dani Eizirik cultivates design and documentation in diverse terrains, including the REFtropica website. His images inhabit books, animations, murals and exhibitions, where he develops the notion of “graphic documentation”. Through collaborative processes and participative dynamics, he develops points of view focused on socioenvironmental diversity, territorialities, and bridges between peoples. He works with script writing, design, video, artistic direction for animations and knowledge translator, and is part of the editorial platform Riacho. He was nominated for the Latin Grammy Awards for his Graphic Project Album, and has been invited three times for artistic residency in Rezpiral, Oaxaca, México.

Cleberson Henrique de Moura has a degree in Pedagogy from the Faculty of Education, University of São Paulo, and a technical degree in Mechatronics from SENAI. He provides technical support for the REFtropica website at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Univerisity of São Paulo, where he works in the Research and Extension Support Division. He is interested in the articulation between digital technologies, heritage and education, and has developed projects in digital information technologies and communicaiton.